Voices of Healing: Trans Voices Speak Out

Speak Out Logo

This Project was conducted in Spring 2022.
The resulting viedos can be viewed on our Video Archive page, or on Youtube.

diverse collection of faces
Forge Logo & MenHealing Logo

Your Story Has Power

Following the success of MenHealing’s recent collaborative storytelling event series, Voices of Healing: Trans & Nonbinary Survivors SPEAK OUT is a new collaborative effort between FORGE and MenHealing designed to support, uplift, and foster the resilience of trans and nonbinary survivors of sexual victimization. This project focuses on using creative expression to empower survivors to share their story, connect with others, and enhance healing for both themselves and the broader community.

The SPEAK OUT will showcase diverse stories of survivorship and healing from trans and nonbinary survivors who have experienced any kind of sexual victimization. We are seeking narratives that can be shared through multiple modalities, from spoken word to dance to song.

Trans and nonbinary survivors of all gender identities and experiences are encouraged to submit their pitches. 10 presenters will be selected to participate in a series of trauma-informed group workshops to hone their story in preparation of debuting their story to an online audience of supporters at two Premiere Events on March 31 and April 1, 2022.