Faces of MenHealing

Faces of MenHealing Video Series

“Faces of MenHealing” is a video series aimed to highlight the human stories of our Team Facilitators, Board Members, and Support Staff. Congruent with our core value of “transparency,” each video will illuminate the personality of one member of our dedicated team. We hope these videos will help you become better acquainted with our team. Getting to know our team will reveal the depth of commitment of our team as well as the dynamic life experiences they contribute to our work together.

If you are a male survivor and are considering whether to attend a Weekend of Recovery or Day of Recovery event, perhaps these videos will help you to evaluate whether our team is the right match to help you with your healing.

If you are an ally or donor who is considering whether MenHealing is an organization that is deserving of your support, perhaps getting to know our team will inspire you to contribute to our mission.

We’ll be adding more videos to this series on an on-going basis. Bookmark this page or subscribe to our Youtube Channel to discover more Faces of MenHealing.

Faces of Men of Healing Video Archive

We have other videos of interest to male survivors on our Youtube Channel.